Collection: Citrine

Citrine is like a ray of sunshine bottled up in a crystal. This bright yellow gem brings optimism, success, and prosperity into your life. Want abundance? Citrine’s got your back, helping you manifest wealth and joy like it’s second nature. Place it in your wallet for financial abundance, keep it on your desk for creativity, or wear in your favorite crystal necklace it to attract good vibes wherever you go.

Ways to Use:

  • Place in your wallet or cash register for financial success
  • Keep in your workspace to boost creativity and energy
  • Wear as a necklace or ring to attract positive energy

Keywords: Success, Abundance, Optimism, Manifestation, Joy

Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Zodiac Sign: Gemini, Leo, Libra
Birth Month: November

Main Properties of Citrine:

  1. Attracts Abundance & Success
  2. Boosts Creativity & Motivation
  3. Promotes Optimism & Positive Energy